Monday, 26 January 2009

Textual Analysis: 'Skins'

AS Media Textual Analysis

The following Textual analysis comes from the opening scene of Series 1, Episode 1 (Entitled Tony) of Skins. I analysed the piece in terms of Camera, Editing, Sound and Mise-en-Scene.
Episode 1 is entitled Tony and introduces the character of Tony to the audience.
The scene begins with a close-up of Tony’s face, the camera then pans out to a high angle birds-eye shot of Tony lying rigid in his bed.
There are repetitive, non-diagetic sounds of bells chiming in the opening of the scene, this is then followed the diagetic sounding of an alarm clock. After the alarm finishes, non-diagetic background music is played.
In this opening scene, we learn a lot about the character of Tony. It is evident that Tony has OCDs and is very organised. His OCD is represented when he is lying in bed, he is lying very straight and stiff in the centre of his bed and his bed looks immaculate with nothing out of place. We then see Tony resume a monotonous routine, it shows that he is obsessed with his daily routine, which consists of exercise, this portrays his vein, image conscious personality. Tony is represented as a typical male student but also comes across as a manipulative individual.
There are several shots focussing on him doing each individual activity of his daily routine (doing exercise, looking in mirror, brushing teeth etc.) His OCD and organisation is further represented when he opens his drawer and there is a camera shot of his shirts in his drawer; neat and tidy.
Within this opening scene, there is a high angle shot of Tony sitting on his bed.
A point of view shot shows Tony is looking out of his window and into the window of a lady who is naked in view. This shows Tony’s flirty side and enhances the stereotype of ‘typical’ male teenagers.
Another point of view (eyeline match) shot is used when Tony is outside and looks over at the lady again, this is an over-shoulder shot.
Throughout the entire scene there are various close-up shots, including that of the toilet flushing and towards the end of the scene, a close-up of Tony’s dad’s backside, adding comedic value.
Various other shots include; a shot of Tony’s bedroom door, with the music volume increasing, tension building and expecting his dad to burst through the door. Another shot from outside the house, in the street, shows Tony sliding down the pipe on the side of his house.
There is a shot across the table from one of the seats at the breakfast table, looking across at Tony and his sister eating breakfast.
A shot/reverse shot is used when Tony and his dad are arguing/shouting.
When Tony is looking out of his bedroom window, his attention is diverted from the naked woman to his sister who is coming home from a night out, to cover up for his sibling, he turns up his music and allows her to sneak into the house unnoticed. The diagetic sound of Tony’s stereo is used as he turns up the volume.
Tony’s sister is introduced and is represented as a party-goer who isn’t as innocent as she may seem (particularly to her parents).
Tony’s dad enters the scene when he bursts into Tony’s room, shouting and swearing. He is portrayed as grumpy, aggressive and could be seen as a stereotypical dad. His bad language is represented and is his most noticeable trait.
Tony’s mom seems very friendly and a calm influence within the household. She is shown cooking breakfast and again this could be seen as stereotypical for a mother.
The family seem to be of a middle class background.

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